Sarah over at
Inklined tagged me! =) Thanks Sarah!! =D I'm really excited to do this, you can go on over to Sarah's blog to see what her top 10 most influential books were. =) Now. For mine.
Get ready
TW/Abrielle's Top 10 Most Influential Books
10. The Year of Miss Agnes
My mom read this to me when I was five or six. I loved it so much I was very disappointed that there wasn't a squeal. Like, really disappointed. Then my mom said, why don't you write the next book? It
was the first book that wet my appetite for writing. =) I think I should pick it up and read it again...
9. The Three Musketeers
Ok, I have to admit that when I first read the Children's classic I was in love with this book. Honestly. I loved them. It said that even through bad time, friends should always stick together--I didn't want to pay attention to the 'get back at that person because she killed my love,'. But seriously, I love this book and if you haven't read The Three Musketeers, go to your library now and
pick up that book. You probably (and hopefully) won't be disappointed. *winks*
8. Socks
Surely everyone has read
Socks. In my perspective, you cannot have a good childhood without reading that wondrous book. Heh heh, just kidding. But if you want to have an excellent childhood, read Socks. I absolutely adored Socks when my mom read it to me for school. As soon as she was done, I took it and read it in the matter of days (it might have been three or four). Socks taught me that when I grow up and get married and get an animal, then have a baby, to
not neglect it. Just try to keep on being as great of a owner as you were before, even if it's hard.
You can read my review here.
7. No Dogs Allowed!
If you know me in person, like know me so very well, you probably know that I love this book and make a habit to read it twice a year (usually). I bought it used in 2011 just thinking about another pet book that I was going to like. WOW. "Like" does not even amount to how much I
still adore this book. When in Indonesia, you have dogs--usually. But, unless something really strange happens, those dogs don't last long. I moved to Papua in February of 2012, since April 2012, I have had five dogs, and only
one still remains. And it's really hard to love these dogs when you know that one day they'll be gone, and that day might be today, or tomorrow. This book always reminds me to love our pets, even if they'll disappear tomorrow. They need the love.
You can read my review here.
6. The School Story
I don't know what to say about this book, except WOW. Wow. I love this book so much, it to inspired me to write. Plus, when I read it in the third grade, it made writing and publishing sound like pie. Well, guess what, pie isn't easy and neither is publishing. (Unless you have a Zoe on your hands and your mom works in the publishing company (and you write a really good book)) But, ohmygosh, I read this book at least once a year, and even though I've read it nine million time (not that many, but close) I listened to my mom read it to my other siblings, but I wasn't allowed to answer any questions.
5. The Revised Life of Ellie Sweet
You guys probably think I talk about this book too much, sorry, I can't help it. But The Revised Life of Ellie Sweet totally inspired me in the writing area. She seemed to say that, yah, teens can do things too, people! Even if they have to hide themselves away to write a book. But this book is totally fantastic. Totally. I don't know where I'd be today without reading this book. Ok, I'd probably still be here writing even worse than I do now. But
The Revised Life of Ellie Sweet and
The Unlikely Debut of Ellie Sweet are both total must reads. (especially if you are a teen writer, go to your library now and demand that they order them. You will not be disappointed.)
You can read my review here.
4. The Hedge of Thorns
I have no idea how many people have read this book, and I'm not sure I would quite be able to sit down and read it myself (yet). But my dad has read it to me and my siblings twice, and it is a very good book. It taught to listen to your parent's instructions (and follow them!) and to stay inside the hedge of thorns. Ok, I can't explain it great, if you want to know what I mean, go pick up the book and you'll understand. *winks*
3. The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe
Something a lot of people would personally like to beat me up over is that I have not finished reading the Narnia series. Even though I have a library with all of the books, and my family owns two sets of the series. But, before you cyberly regret yourself, let me say that I have read the first two books and half of The Horse and His Boy--that's where I stopped because I was *all of a sudden* getting moved back to Papua, and I didn't know where to pick back up again. (
but i will read the WHOLE Narnia series when we are in America =)) But
The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe is a good one. =) It was kind of like
The Three Musketeers when it involves the friendship stuff, but it also said to me that I still needed to have an imagination, even if I was an almost teen. *winks*
2. Left Behind >The Kids<
I am a fangirl to these books I could probably talk them to death. So, I'll *try* not to. Left Behind >The Kids< is a series that I adore, but I didn't even make the pick to read them! LOL, my mom gave me the 1st book and said that she wanted me to read it and see how i liked it. I
loved it. So I got book 2, and then I had to stop at book 5 because we were going to Bandung to have my baby brother. *folds arms* I was not able to continue the series until three months later, and then I was flying through the books, they were that good. This series taught me that I should always be ready for Jesus coming. I sure don't want to be left behind!
You can read some of the reviews here.
1. Red Sun Blue Earth
You might be surprised that this is number one, but, well, it is. You might think it is because it's written by my friend's sister. That's not the reason. The reason is this:
Red Sun Blue Earth was written after the tsunami hit Japan in 2011. The main character is at school when it hits, but her mom and sister were at the house, so she doesn't know if they're alive or not. Sayaka is on the search for her mom and sister, but also learns to love and inspire others along the way. She goes through hard times, but still tries to be happy. It's a really good book.
Very influential on me. =) (but it is a YA book, so 11 or 12+)
You can read my review here.
Now. I tag...
- Mary
- Bekah
- Britt
- Ryebrynn
- Wild Horse
- Journey
That's all =) But if you are reading this and want to do it, feel most welcome! =) (And BTW, this is our 100th post! =D)
Abrielle Lindsay