Pet Trouble: Bulldog Won't Budge
SO back for more
laugh-out-loud out-of-order Pet Trouble books!!! I’ll go ahead and tell you. I’M
STILL NOT READING THEM IN ORDER!!!!! SO my brother decided the other day, ‘Oh,
I’m not going to finish the Merlin book.’ #1 Reaction: YEAH!!!!! FINALLY!!!!!
#2 Reaction: Awwwwwwwww…… why do we have to go to the library tomorrow??? SO
you can only check that book out WHEN it’s there. Not right after your brother
returned it. :’,’,( Okay, I should be doing the report. Not how sad am I that I’m……..
I’m not even gonna’ go there! On to the report!!!!! 1)
Title: Bulldog
Won’t Budge2)
Series: Pet
Book #: 44)
By T. T.
Age Level: 10-146)
Target Audience:
Everyone, though it’s based on a boy.7)
Stars: 5+++8)
Violence: none9)
Pages: 15410)
Main Characters:
Eric, Meatball (dog), Mercy, Faith, Mom, Tony, Parker, Merlin (dog), Troy,
Danny, Rebekah, Odyesseus (cat), and Ariadne (cat). Enjoy, Abrielle Lindsay
it is soooooooooo awesome