October 3, 2013

Writing Prompt! :D

So this will be like a little contest related thing. ;)


1. You may not change any of the words in the prompt
2. You may only enter ONCE
3. It does not matter where your story leads, as long as the first three words are the prompt
4. You will write your prompt, copy and paste in the comments. (I have made it for this period of time that all comments will be moderated, so yours will not be posted)
5. All entries are due on Friday, October 11.
6. Your prompt story must be over 100 words and up to 300.


I will post everyone's entry anonymously (including my own ;), and then you will vote for your favorite. I will post more rules when that little day comes! ;) (next Saturday!)


I hesitated, but

He hesitated, but

She hesitated, but

(You may use any of these, I, he, or she--I don't know what 'person' you write in)

Hope you have fun! :D

Abrielle Lindsay

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