Ok, so I decided to...start a tag! :D It will be called the readers tag! :) (not the greatest name, but today my brain seems like mush..:P)
-You must tag at least 5 people and no more than 12
-Make up your own 10 questions to give to your nominees--but they must be related to books. :)
-Let you nominees know that they were tagged
-You must answer your nominator's questions! :D
-Link back to your nominator
-You may not tag your nominator
1) How many hours do you spend reading a week?
2) Do you enjoy reading inside, or outside? Which do you like more?
3) Would you give up a week in Hawaii just so you could read an entire series?
4) About how many books do you read in a week?
5) Do your siblings enjoy reading?
6) Who are your fav literary couples?
7) What is/are your fav classic(s)?
8) Do you think you could survive the traditional publishing route?
9) Do you think that books can be harder to understand today, or are they always hard to understand when they were written in the 1800s-?
10) Do you like Anne of Green Gables?
I choose....
Britt @ Daughter of the King
Mary B. @ Mary's Moments
Bekah Joan @ Found and Cherished
Jess @ Seven Faraway Friends
Wild Horse @ Opal Swirls
Hannah Harper @ My Ink Castle
Maddie @ Totally Me
Journey @ a writer's world
Joy @ Tears of a Hawk
Amanda and Addie @ HERE XD
ENJOY!!!! :D
October 24, 2013
Liebster Award ~Abrielle Lindsay~
All three of us were tagged by the wonderful Wild Horse over at Opal Swirls!! :) But, right now, it is just me who will answer! :) I will then let Addie and Amanda do their own answers! :D
-Link back to the blogger who tagged you
-Answer the 10 questions (s)he asks me
-Nominate 10 other bloggers at the maximum
-Let those Nominees know they were tagged
Wild Horse's Questions::::
1) Green or Grey?
2) How many siblings do you have?
3) What color is your Bible?
I have two Bibles, one is pink (|p) and one is black
4) Why do you blog?
So that other people will know about what goes on over in Indonesia, what books are awesome, writing tips, food recipes, and lots of other things! ;)
5) Do you have any pets?
Currently, we have two dogs--Brownie and Panther. My brother and I think we see our cat sometimes, but my mother claims that he is gone.
6) Do you drink coffee?
I WISH! ;)
7) Bushes or tree's? (Random, I know)
(wow, very random question...) Ummmm, trees?
8) Have you done your Christmas shopping yet?
9) Do you wear glasses?
Yes! :)
10) Whatcha think of my blog? ;)
It's is totes awesome!!!! :) Writing and cats!!!! :D
Now.... for those I tag... *rubs hands and laughs*
Joy @ Tears of a Hawk
Jess @ Seven Faraway Friends
Britt @ Shining Bright Critique Group (or you can do it on another blog)
Journey @ a writer's world
Mary B. @ Mary's Moments
My Questions::::
1) What is your fav book?
2) Books or Movies?
3) Writing or Reading?
4) NaNoWriMo this year?
5) Comics or Chapters?
6) Would you rather stay up 'til 4:00am writing or reading your fav book?
7) If you will get published, will you self-publish or traditionally do it?
8) What is the name of your WIP?
9) Do you know any published authors in person?
10) Would you pick up a novel with a red cover or a novel with a blue cover?
Have fun! And plz comment with your links!!!
~Abrielle Lindsay
P.S. (this seems kind of like a Books tag, doesn't it?
-Link back to the blogger who tagged you
-Answer the 10 questions (s)he asks me
-Nominate 10 other bloggers at the maximum
-Let those Nominees know they were tagged
Wild Horse's Questions::::
1) Green or Grey?
2) How many siblings do you have?
3) What color is your Bible?
I have two Bibles, one is pink (|p) and one is black
4) Why do you blog?
So that other people will know about what goes on over in Indonesia, what books are awesome, writing tips, food recipes, and lots of other things! ;)
5) Do you have any pets?
Currently, we have two dogs--Brownie and Panther. My brother and I think we see our cat sometimes, but my mother claims that he is gone.
6) Do you drink coffee?
I WISH! ;)
7) Bushes or tree's? (Random, I know)
(wow, very random question...) Ummmm, trees?
8) Have you done your Christmas shopping yet?
9) Do you wear glasses?
Yes! :)
10) Whatcha think of my blog? ;)
It's is totes awesome!!!! :) Writing and cats!!!! :D
Now.... for those I tag... *rubs hands and laughs*
Joy @ Tears of a Hawk
Jess @ Seven Faraway Friends
Britt @ Shining Bright Critique Group (or you can do it on another blog)
Journey @ a writer's world
Mary B. @ Mary's Moments
My Questions::::
1) What is your fav book?
2) Books or Movies?
3) Writing or Reading?
4) NaNoWriMo this year?
5) Comics or Chapters?
6) Would you rather stay up 'til 4:00am writing or reading your fav book?
7) If you will get published, will you self-publish or traditionally do it?
8) What is the name of your WIP?
9) Do you know any published authors in person?
10) Would you pick up a novel with a red cover or a novel with a blue cover?
Have fun! And plz comment with your links!!!
~Abrielle Lindsay
P.S. (this seems kind of like a Books tag, doesn't it?
October 4, 2013
Here is the prologue to the Alexis Story
I am the oldest of ten children—five girls and five boys to be exact. I
live deep in the dark forest where hardly in light makes its way through. And I
hardly ever leave. My abia—mother—left several years ago and never returned. My
aba—father—goes for days at a time to town, working on who knows what. My
father believes that thirteen year old girls are quite capable to do anything
on her own. So he leaves me here to care for the younger children.
“Alexis,” he’ll say, “My abia was left on her own—no family at all—when
she was eleven. She survived until she was taken to be the wife of my aba. All
thirteen girls are capable in the forest on their own.”
Why do we live in the forest—the dark forest? It’s all because of my
mother and her choice.
Abia was—and if she’s still alive, which I think to not be true, still
is—a woman warrior, the first in fact. She defended many towns, won victories,
won wars. She followed that little rule that says, ‘Put others before
yourself,’. But she did it in a different kind of way—she put other towns
before her own. And the people didn’t like that.
Once, her village was under attack. But another was also on fire—and
there wasn’t much left of the other village—but my abia jumped onto the back of
her trusted stallion, Arrow, and went to help the other town.
When Abia returned—the other town had been lost—and her own village was
near destruction. The village elders decided to disown her. She had to leave
her family, the town, and she was never allowed
to reenter.
My abia was very upset with this, but she packed her things and rode
away on Arrow. She moved from village to village until she finally found one
that would allow her to stay with them.
She married Aba and had us. She was a very happy woman.
Then one tragic night, several men from the village pounded on our door
for what seemed like hours. It wore on throughout the night. They all demanded
to see our abia.
Finally Aba asked why.
They replied saying they knew who his wife was and they didn’t want her
in their village—and that if they didn’t leave by dawn our house would be in
flames that licked the walls.
Aba rushed us through packing. We didn’t have much so it didn’t take
more than an hour ‘til our house was stripped that anyone had ever lived there.
The men that had pounded on our doors followed us to the edge of town,
just to make sure that we didn’t stay with some friend of ours. They drove us
out into the woods and said that if we were ever spotted in the village—or even
just outside of the village—we would be killed on sight.
Then we knew that wherever we went, nobody would take us in—no village
would ever give their village to be the home of the great Alexandria Luria.
The dark, cold forest then became our home. And before long Abia heard
the cries of war, she followed them…and never returned. I have lived three
harsh years in the forest—by harsh I mean that I must go out every morning,
noon, and dinner time to fetch three pails of waters from somewhere in the
woods, I must find some sort of meat that I can kill with my bow and arrow,
it’s just exhausting to do those things plus caring for nine younger siblings.
The oldest of the boys, Axel, is eleven and helps me look for food that
I can kill sometimes. He is my only brother who does not want to learn how to
use the bow and arrow. For he is already skilled with the sword and the knife.
Thank the heavens above that my nine year old sisters—Abiba and Abeni—cooks
everything. I cannot cook, and even if I could, my poor back would ache from
being bent over the post of boiling stew!
Alexander and Adair—eight and six years of age—are quite naughty. They
help me keep in shape for sure, chasing them for hours because they stole my only writing feather. Achava makes
friends much easier than I did when I was five. He makes friends with all sorts
of creatures—he even tried to let me let him keep hawk that he had tamed.
And the triplets, Abana, Abhay, and Abigail are the youngest of us all.
Abana and Abigail don’t talk often, but then, with Abhay, even though his words
are few, will chatter with us all day. They are sweetest ones, and are the
least mischievous.
Aba and Abia are the most wonderful parents, well, Abia was, and Aba
still is—that is, when he is home. He goes into the nearest village and works
for days without returning. He brings many presents to us. For example, we now
have Abe—the adorable scruffy puppy that Aba brought home two trips ago. And
from the last trip he brought a beautiful—but sadly, untamed—stallion. Aba said
that once he was tamed, the horse—whose name was Austin—would be mine for
I don’t blame Abia for our lives in the
forest. I would never blame her for any harshness that comes our way. I want to
thank her—for even if we don’t like it, it has made us strong, in many
different ways.
October 3, 2013
Writing Prompt! :D
So this will be like a little contest related thing. ;)
1. You may not change any of the words in the prompt
2. You may only enter ONCE
3. It does not matter where your story leads, as long as the first three words are the prompt
4. You will write your prompt, copy and paste in the comments. (I have made it for this period of time that all comments will be moderated, so yours will not be posted)
5. All entries are due on Friday, October 11.
6. Your prompt story must be over 100 words and up to 300.
I will post everyone's entry anonymously (including my own ;), and then you will vote for your favorite. I will post more rules when that little day comes! ;) (next Saturday!)
I hesitated, but
He hesitated, but
She hesitated, but
(You may use any of these, I, he, or she--I don't know what 'person' you write in)
Hope you have fun! :D
Abrielle Lindsay
1. You may not change any of the words in the prompt
2. You may only enter ONCE
3. It does not matter where your story leads, as long as the first three words are the prompt
4. You will write your prompt, copy and paste in the comments. (I have made it for this period of time that all comments will be moderated, so yours will not be posted)
5. All entries are due on Friday, October 11.
6. Your prompt story must be over 100 words and up to 300.
I will post everyone's entry anonymously (including my own ;), and then you will vote for your favorite. I will post more rules when that little day comes! ;) (next Saturday!)
I hesitated, but
He hesitated, but
She hesitated, but
(You may use any of these, I, he, or she--I don't know what 'person' you write in)
Hope you have fun! :D
Abrielle Lindsay
Abrielle Lindsay,
I hesitated but,
writing prompt
October 2, 2013
More of Alexis's Family
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Abana Never talks--and if she has to, it's only a couple words age: 4 oldest of the set of triplets Beloved:? |
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Abigail youngest of children and triplets age:4 Beloved: ? |
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Abiba age: 9 cooks, cleans, basically the 'forest' cleaner--and the older of the twins Beloved:? |
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Abeni age: 9 cooks, cleans--is the other 'forest' cleaner--and the younger of the twins Beloved:? |
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Alexis age: 13 is the hunter of the family and is skilled with the bow and arrow Beloved: bow, arrow, Austin |
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Alexandria age:? was a warrior--no one in her family can find her--they all assume her dead Beloved: Stallion, Arrow |
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William [IMPORTANT: this guy is not in her family, it is someone from her bow and arrow class] age: 16 Beloved:? |
ok, sorry guys, yes, Alexis has five brothers, but I just can't find any of those kinds of pix of pinterest. :P sorry. :p but, hope you guys enjoy this! :D
Abrielle Lindsay
Abrielle Lindsay,
abrielle lindsay's writing,
character info,
my story
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