September 24, 2013

Hittite Warrior-- Even Non-History Lovers will Enjoy!

I recently read Hittite Warrior by Joanne Williamson. I never would have just picked up this book and read it, but I had to read it for school, so yeah, I read it. And I was VERY surprised at how good it was! Not saying any more. ;)
Series: No series

Title: Hittite Warrior

Author: Joanne Williamson

Age Level: This is a book that i would recommend for middle school students-- none below and I don't think many teens above would quite enjoy it.

Stars: 5++++++++++++++++++++++++

Violence: There is a lot of killing in this book-- a war-- it is also based on Deborah and Barak's (and Jael's) story/stories in the Bible.

Five Main Characters: Uriah the Hittite, Jotham the Hebrew, Jabin the ? (acck! I can't remember!! :p), Deborah from the story in Judges 3, and Barak also from Judges 3

What I think about this Book:
   Yeah, so I pretty much already explained how I feel, but I must tell you more! This book wasn't written as great as it could have been (no offense Mrs. Williamson), but there was so much going on, you hardly notice. This book takes you from lots of different tribes and you learn about them, which I have to admit, was pretty cool. :)
   Also, I NOT a history lover AT ALL. But this book how is is twisted into a Christian book also made this book unbearable! I suggest reading it, yes! :D

Book Description:

URIAH THE HITTITE has found refuge from the Greeks in the Canaanite city of Tyre. Now the Hebrew Jotham's decision to save a child from being sacrificed to Moloch forces Uriah to choose life over reverence of Tyre's fearsome god. The three escape to the hill country of Judea, where Deborah and Barak are mustering the Hebrews to fight the Canaanites.

Amazon: Hittite Warrior

Read this book! You won't desert it!

   Enjoy! (because you will be reading :p)

Abrielle Lindsay

1 comment:

  1. I also loved this book... and I am an adult. I agree... parts of it could be written a little better, but it is written for the middle school audience, and it is obvious that the middle schooler who wrote the review loved it. I give it 5 stars!


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